Here we go! 2010 is in effect and I'm expecting big things! You should too, but don't just sit and expect whatever you want to just fall in your lap. It's gonna require work, which requires your time and effort.
What are your goals? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to accomplish? Knowing this and keeping it at the forefront of your mind will keep you on track. It'll help you make better decisions and help you spend your time wisely and efficiently. This is key because tomorrow is not guaranteed (
those of you who really know me, know how familiar I am with that statement).
Now that you know what you want, make a decision to stick to it EVERYDAY. It takes 21 days to make or break a habit so do your best to stay focused these next three weeks. Do something everyday to further yourself and you'll notice every week will have been a progression.
Lastly, it's tough trying to do this by yourself. Get around and team up with ambitious, like-minded, positive, forward-moving individuals. When you're running on empty, they'll be the ones to help you and fill you back up with inspiration, motivation and encouragement.
Having said that, I'd like to big up a few of my teammates:
DJ Starting from Scratch, Kid Kut & Doc Jones. Get ready to see and hear some crazy stuff from us this year! Wanna run?? Well LET'S GO!